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draft ofm memo on budget cuts
Zack Borst Zack Borst

draft ofm memo on budget cuts

After watching not quite one month of federal turmoil and chaos over trying to reduce the cost of the federal government and haphazard attempts to do so…I’ve decided to take my shot at the type of instructions that could have been given to federal agencies for reducing the federal budget and personnel costs associated with running a reduced size and scope of the federal mission. So, here goes…

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doge plans for noaa and fema reference climate
Eric Holdeman Eric Holdeman

doge plans for noaa and fema reference climate

Many a politician does not give a hoot about emergency management and disasters until their jurisdiction is in the crosshairs of a disaster. Then, even the most ardent critic of the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) is suddenly calling on that agency to do its job to help their jurisdiction. FEMA’s future.

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a call to action by and for emergency management
Eric Holdeman Eric Holdeman

a call to action by and for emergency management

I’ve always been interested in history and how groups of people have willingly been oppressed without “fighting back” in any form or fashion. For those of you at the state and local levels, if you think that a 30-40% staff reduction at the federal level won’t impact you—think again. Not to mention what happens when entire classes of grants are reduced or completely eliminated. Rather than bemoan your fate when it comes, do something today to be proactive

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weather service up in the air
Eric Holdeman Eric Holdeman

weather service up in the air

There are many things that are “up in the air” right now when it comes to how government will function in the near term. One of them is the National Weather Service  (NWS) and National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) are both in the news with “glimmers” of what might yet happen.

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how to write a warning message
Eric Holdeman Eric Holdeman

how to write a warning message

This comes from Jeannette Sutton’s post on LinkedIn. I thought it important enough to share it here with you. Remember the first place to really start off on the wrong foot in a disaster is to screw up the warning. Watch for an upcoming Disaster Zone Podcast on warnings with Dr. Sutton as the guest.

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game on! future of fema to be determined
Eric Holdeman Eric Holdeman

game on! future of fema to be determined

It will likely be seven or eight months from now before we know what recommendations are made by the council established by executive order to examine how the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) can be reformed

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Disaster Zone Podcast: forecasting the future
Eric Holdeman Eric Holdeman

Disaster Zone Podcast: forecasting the future

It has been said that about the only humans that like change are babies. Change my diaper! We are experiencing a firehose of change at the federal level for the last two weeks. More is coming…

Check out this Disaster Zone Podcast: Forecasting the Future  All of which was recorded back in December 2023. It might be the topics discussed will help you adjust to the changes we are experiencing today.

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usaid today--fema tomorrow?
Eric Holdeman Eric Holdeman

usaid today--fema tomorrow?

Certainly, things are running at breakneck speed back in Washington D.C. There are Presidential Nominations for department heads, new Presidential Executive Orders and then especially troubling to me is an “ex officio” organization with what appears to be unlimited access to federal department records. That would be DOGE 

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who or what is to blame for the ca fires?
Eric Holdeman Eric Holdeman

who or what is to blame for the ca fires?

I have written much about this topic already. There is an entire litany of reasons that have been proposed, some of them outlandish and just not based on facts but even reality and geography.

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states working to fight misinformation and disinformation
Eric Holdeman Eric Holdeman

states working to fight misinformation and disinformation

Working in the profession of emergency management is not getting easier, it is getting harder. Not only are we trying to provide the best information to our constituents about an ongoing disaster, but we have to now fight misinformation (what we might have called rumors before)) Then there is outright disinformation which is meant to create any manner of confusion for whatever nefarious reasons the person or organization might have.

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new flood standards from fema
Eric Holdeman Eric Holdeman

new flood standards from fema

The question in most minds today is what will remain and what will change in the new Trump Administration? Out with the old, in with the new…which is still to be determined.

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acting fema administrator appointed
Eric Holdeman Eric Holdeman

acting fema administrator appointed

It is likely only the general emergency management community that is vitally interested in who the Acting Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) will be. In the past they have tapped FEMA Region 9 to have a regional administrator move up and take the reigns in Washington, DC until a permanent administrator is appointed.  Surprise! That did not happen. I expect the administrator in FEMA Region 9 has their hands full with the Los Angeles firestorm response and recovery processes that have already started.

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Prior to writing for The Readiness Lab, Eric Holdeman wrote Disaster Zone blog posts for Emergency Management Magazine. He was a prolific writer and all articles are still available on their website, which is linked below.