goodbye fema grants: empg and bric
The details are not spelled out specifically, but if you take the gist of the latest Presidential Executive Order, it is not hard to read the tea leaves, Trump signs order to shift disaster preparations from FEMA to states, local governments
It worth noting that that the administration is not waiting for the Presidentially appointed council that is to review the functions of the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). Perhaps there will be more detailed information forthcoming. I have to say that the idea of “It creates a "National Risk Register" to identify, describe and measure risk to U.S. national infrastructure and streamlines federal functions to help states work with Washington more easily” does not comport with the concept of shifting the responsibility to the states. Shouldn’t states and local jurisdictions decide what to address if there is no federal funding?
I’m also guessing that the Emergency Management Preparedness Grant (EMPG) which is focused on “disaster preparedness” and funds state and local staffing and planning, training, and exercises—will be toast!
People voted for change---and boy, are we getting it!