Aging Electrical Infrastructure Threatens Our Future

Knowing there is a problem and then doing something about it are two different things.  I recently highlighted the challenges of our aging electrical grid and move toward electrification in this Op-ed to the Puget Sound Business Journal, Opinion: Electrical grid crisis could be on the horizon

Then today there is this news, White House to announce actions to modernize America’s electrical grid, paving the way for clean energy and fewer outages

From the linked story above, there is this quote, “Since the Inflation Reduction Act passed nearly two years ago, Congress hasn’t been able to agree on a bill to increase electrical transmission. Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer recently told reporters it was highly unlikely to get accomplished before the 2024 election.”

It could be that the threat to the electrical grid is not fully understood. Or, maybe politics of the election year are getting in the way of national progress. If the latter is true, it certainly is a sorry testimony to the current state of political leadership, or lack thereof.

The CNN story highlights what might be possible to accomplish through executive action. Certainly getting more power flowing via improved existing power transmission systems is one small step.


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