New Science on Cascadia Subduction Fault

Via new research, it appears that the section of the Cascadia Subduction Fault just off the Washington State Coast may be more dangerous than other areas of the fault. Read this Washington Post article, Scientists map one of Earth’s top hazards in the Pacific Northwest

Following a mapping of the entire fault system they have this conclusion, “The entire area, which stretches from Northern California to Vancouver Island, is at risk. But the scientists found that the geometry of the fault off the coast of Washington, where the fault is flat and smooth, closer to the surface and extends farther onshore, may be particularly at risk.” Of course, this is all based on science that is “ever changing” and as we’ve seen in the past in Italy and other countries, scientists sometimes get it wrong.  

However, it is wonderful that this “mega threat” disaster continues to be studied. Now if only people, organizations, politicians, developers, builders and people pay attention to what might go wrong—at some point in the future, as surely it will.

Joann Brower shared the link to the article with us.


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