Disaster Zone Podcast: Business Continuity Vs. Emergency Management

There is a new Disaster Zone Podcast: Business Continuity Vs. Emergency Management


Here is the description:

Government and businesses work side by side to prepare their respective organizations to become disaster resilient. In this podcast we focus on what that looks like for businesses; how that matches up government emergency management; and then we delve a little bit into emergency management in the military due to our guest’s professional experiences while serving in the US Army. The podcast guest is Erika Andresen, JD, CBCP, MPA  who is a recognized expert and consultant in Business Continuity. Her varied experience gives her a unique perspective on Business Continuity. She has nearly two decades of experience as a lawyer in both the corporate finance world and the military.

Erika became a subject matter expert in national security and disaster preparedness and response while advising different commands including during high-risk situations while deployed in Afghanistan. Her work with actual disasters led her to attain a Master of Public Affairs (MPA).   Erika left active duty in 2020 and has since started EaaS Consulting, LLC, with the goal of keeping business in business. To that end, she authored How to Not Kill Your Business: Grow Your Business in Any Environment, Navigate Volatility, and Successfully Recover When Things Go Wrong, a conversational introduction to business continuity enjoyed by CBCP practitioners and business owners alike. Erika is also a professor of emergency management for the MPA program at the University of Texas at El Paso.


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