changing how we think and write grants

It has been an accepted fact that climate change is real and that it is impacting the frequency, severity and I add, duration of natural disasters. You can measure that in numbers for how many disasters there are today and how the costs of disasters have skyrocketed in recent years. I fully expect that many a grant application for disaster mitigation and preparedness has cited such facts as evidence for future funding for their communities. Then there is this AP Story,  EPA head says he’ll roll back dozens of envionmental reguation, including rules on climate change       

It would seem that with all thing’s climate change related no longer being supported, and if you wish to be competitive or even eligible for federal grant dollars, you will need to scratch any mention of the impacts of climate change from you grant applications. Yes, the above is about the EPA but the theme cuts across all the federal agencies.

Just call it a “word to the wise.” It is a “trickle down impact” of dumb thinking and an anti-science bias.


noaa cutting 25% of the workforce